All the girls out there are totally lying when they tell you that size does not matter. Want proof? Not really. I am telling you this because it is the honest truth, look I should know, they say that it is all in the way you use it, not how big it is, well I got news for you all, that is pure lies. Girls lie? Since when? I know from personal experience, I will tell you about a secret that Joey [Ah Joey… Ask my old friend how the Herpes is holding up. You do know that you can be a carrier without symptoms. I know that because of all the other comments that have nothing to do with my profile that I keep blocking] has made me promise to never ever tell anyone, but since he has not called me in three weeks after standing me up, I am going to break the promise and tell you how [Any chance of you keeping this promise not to tell me this story? This is the 9th time I've rejected this comment.] he went from having a tiny wang What is a wang? A penis you'd find in Bejing? and in 4 months he is now about nine inches and get this, it is still getting bigger [You do realize that a woman who sees King Kong walk by isn't thinking, my God I wonder if I couldn't knock off Fay Wray and be that monkey's bitch. There's advantages to dating the Thin Man, unless you happen to have a Vagina the size of the Grand Canyon. And quite frankly someone who fit's that description belongs in a circus, not a singles bar. Hey daddy look at the giant pussy by the tiger exhibit] He has been secretly taking grow pills from this site, copy and paste the address into your browser to see them. DEMHS.COM [It must be a really great site if you didn't even bother to create the simple code for a link. Either that or the blood going to your penis is diverting the oxygen from you brain. That also, by the way would explain the penis growth. Generally speaking when a man gets aroused… Why am I trying to tell you this, anyone dumb enough to try getting rich posting MySpace spam isn't going to understand simple biology.] I found out when I was at his house, three fridays ago [That would explain why you started posting this crap four months ago. Can I borrow your time machine, go back to November 12th, 1955 and prevent your parents from falling in love, thus halting the event of your birth. I promise it will be painless; mostly], we were getting ready to go to the mall, so while he was in the shower, I went in his room, sneeked under his bed and found a box with pill bottles in it, there was like 9 full bottles and 4 empty ones, all ordered from DEMHS.COM I was laughing at first but then when he came in the room and caught me looking at them, he freaked out and made me sware [Here I have the chose between taking medical advice from someone who can't spell swear and someone who steals pills from a shoe box under his friend's bed. Have you by any chance given yourself a lobotomy lately. I have this office pool that says you have and $25 is riding on a yes.] to not ever tell anyone about them, especially girls from school or work that he has been dating for the past while [you would think the girls he's dating would notice a pharmacy labeled be a bigger dick stashed under his bed], now that I think of it, he has been rather busy with all the popular girls around here, when just last year he was the shyest when it came to girls. I just never put two and two together [I'm having trouble visualizing you put two and two together without a calculator] until he explained it all to me, I did see his prick [there's something very disconcerting about you referring to it as his prick] and yes, it is huge, pronostar [What the hell is a pronstar, a sailor that screws mermaids with his genetically engineered trident?] huge, the thickest and longest one I ever seen [You describe your friend's penis with way too much nostalgia and affection, is this the San Francisco version of Candid Camera?]
I know this sounds really shallow, but I am considering ordering 6 bottles from the website at DEMHS.COM [] for you know who he does not have a myspace account [Isn't it funny how spammers say they never have a MySpace account?], so he is not gonna see this. They guarentee that the pills will work on any man, or they give you your money back [And just how do you enforce that refund policy. Is someone from the company going to hold a tape measure up to my member before I order and after I down the dosage? Yes, I can see a lot of men dropping trou and saying, look at these pathetic results give me back my money so I can start feeling like a real man.], living proof that they do work on any guy, seeing is believing. DEMHS.COM: G33930817 [I hope that's the self destruct sequence to your not existent MySpace account because I really don't feel like saying no to this comment again.]