Things To Say To The Stranger Next To You On The Ferris Wheel
- And that's when I realized felt tip wasn't a double entendre for sexual relations with an ink manufacturer.
- It's not easy being a bipolar, double-jointed circus clown.
- Wow, you can hardly see the chalk outlines of the bodies from up here.
- You have the most beautiful blue eyes. Can I borrow them?
- So I say, "Fine! Dump me! But I'll have my revenge when I dump you, your family and your little dog too off the Golden Gate Bridge." Then I went straight back to the bake sale.
- Don't tell me you recognize me from America's Most Wanted too…
- I find danger incredibly sexy; here hold this crossbar from the safety latch.
- I was a trapeze artist until my partner was thrown to his death.
- Here's my Viagra. Now were did I put the clown suit, the balloon animals, and my big red rubber nose?
ID#: 071/07
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About this relationship sir, I just put in a transfer request with the human resources department.
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